
Call of duty cold war gameplay leak
Call of duty cold war gameplay leak

call of duty cold war gameplay leak call of duty cold war gameplay leak call of duty cold war gameplay leak

Players will be fighting against the main villain Von List and his army of the undead from Stalingrad to Shi No Numa. They are also innovating the core gameplay as they move forward. The developer shared that this new Zombies game mode story will be intertwining with the whole Dark Aether storyline. It is all intertwined now and fans of this game mode are loving it. The other leaked videos that got taken down were 20 minutes long and it showed a lot.Īccording to game developer Treyarch (Zombies mode has a separate developer), Vanguard’s Zombies mode is the first franchise crossover and actually the story before Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies. The very short clip only showcases the Zombies startup of the game for more than 30 seconds only.

Call of duty cold war gameplay leak